
Also, this window can be called by double-clicking on the free space of the scene, or from the context menu of the scene.

Tab content:

Coordinate systems

Available projections:

If you build your own configuration from scratch, it is better to start with the choice of the coordinate system.

In the program, in addition to the main zodiac options (tropical and sidereal)a custom one is presented.
If you select a custom Zodiac, you need to select the object on which the beginning of the Zodiac will be built, or set a fixed longitude value ("UD"). For example, for the Draconic Zodiac, you need to choose the Northern Node. You can also set any arbitrary value.
You can also choose one of four options, which Zodiac will be applied to different dials:

There is a large selection of Ayananshi for sidereal.

This window shows all the selected harmonics, and among them is the current harmonic. Below are buttons with which you can add or remove selected harmonics, as well as apply the changes made.

House system

In the list of house systeMC, you can find various options for domification. In addition to common systeMC (Placidus, Koch, Porphyria, etc.), there are also those that should be mentioned separately:

Here is what S.N.Kovalenko says about the systems of places of Ptolemy (Theon of Alexandria) and Hipparchus:

"...the system is authentic and very reliable when working with the kinematics of inclined ascent. And actually, it is an original part of astrology. Since effective (1,4,5,7,9,10 and 11) and ineffective (2,3,6,8 and 12) places from the horoscope for subsequent interpretations were found, exactly according to that system for climate. And not according to the sign = house system (it is suitable only for equatorial astrologers, for example, Hindus). And even more so, not according to the trisection system. Although, the proximity of the element to the upper peg (MC) has always been taken into account."

If the following is selected as the princeps:

Princeps is the planet relative to which the thematic horoscope is built in the house systems: "Princeps (HSA)", "Ptolemy (I)", "Hipparchus (I)".

Operational construction of horoscopes of sensitive points is possible. To do this, select the "SP" element from the list of princeps, and an additional widget for controlling the sensitive point will appear.House system
Manipulations with this formula are similar to manipulations with the control element of the "HSA Formula". The resulting coordinate will be the actual princeps of the horoscope, and is located on the cusp of the 4th house.

The number of princeps automatically depends on the set of objects that you use.

Next to the princeps is the dial selection element from which the object is taken as a princeps.

If you click on the underlined element "House system", a window will appear in which you can select exactly the house systeMC that the selection will consist of.

House systems

The element "GE" reshapes the domification system for geodetic equivalents. You can choose geodetic equivalents according to Grimm-Friedrich or Sepharial. The selection is made either from the context menu (pc mouse on the "GE" element), or in the "Geodetic equivalents" block below.

Here you can also specify which domification system will appear in the calculation tables:

Main advantages

In this dialog box, you can specify the rulers and exaltants of the signs. To change the ruler, you need to double-click on it and select the desired one from the drop-down list. These settings are saved in the configuration.


In this window, you can select a system of triplicities:

Also here you can choose whether to take into account one ruler in the calculations (day or night, depending on the type of chart), or all three rulers of the triplicity.


In this window, you can select a system of terms from the presented sets, or create your own set. The setting of terMC is independent for the day chart and the night chart.

Here you can also set the option "TerMC of Luminaries" – Luminaries standing in their half of the Zodiac will be evaluated by the strength of the term. The solar half of the Zodiac: from Leo to Capricorn, the Lunar half – from Aquarius to Cancer.

The files with the terMC are located in the program folder "sets/TerMCets".


In this tab, you can configure the sect of Mercury and the hayse of Mars.


This window is active only if the "Scale" chart element is also active.

Here you can quickly change the current scale value, as well as add or remove selected scale values.

Participation in aspects

Here you can choose the participation of various objects in the aspect.

There are also several options in this window:

The participation of objects in the aspect can also be configured individually for each dial, from the dial menu "Objects".

Aspects and orbs

Aspect and orb settings are combined into one table called aspect page. For different types of charts, you can choose your own aspect page. To edit or create a new aspect page, you need to click on the button next to the desired chart type.

Aspect page

On the left side of the table there are sets of aspect pages. From the context menu, these sets can be: created, cloned, renamed and deleted.

The aspect page itself is located on the right side. You can add or remove aspects from the context menu. For each aspect, you can specify: participation in calculations, value in degrees (in decimal format), glyph, line type, color and orb value for each type of object. Moreover, the value of the orb can be set separately for a divergent variant of the aspect. In this case, you need to use the '/' symbol between the converging and diverging values.

You can quickly open the revision window of the current aspect page from the context menu of any aspect.

In addition to the aspect page settings, in the Aspects and Orbs window, you can configure orbs for antiscia and parallels, as well as orbs for the Pointer for various scales.

Two objects entering into any aspect may have different orb values. In this case, the "Calculation Algorithm" option determines exactly how the final orb will be determined: by the arithmetic mean between the orbits of these two objects, by the largest orb or by the smallest.

If the "Dependence of orbs on harmonics" option is activated, then the final value of the orb will be modified according to the formula orb/harmonic, where orb is the value of the orb, and harmonic is the current value of the harmonic.

Aspect page files are located in the program folder "sets/AspectSets".

Points for aphetic calculations

Points for aphetic calculations are set up here:

Points for aphetic calculations

Here we determine the distance from the Sun at which the planet is considered: burnt, under the rays and in the Cazimi. For Cazimi, the distance to the Sun can be set not only by ecliptic longitude, but also by latitude.

Settings “Burning" and “Under the rays” are individual for each of the septener planets. For the Moon, its phase in relation to the Sun is taken into account. By default, the settings for Ben Ezra (“The Book of judgments about the stars").

It is also possible to use the Al-Biruni rule, which indicates for the inner planets the lower limit of the state “under the rays” as for the outer ones, if the planet is located west of the Sun. For the eastern position, 7 ° is taken (“The Book of instructions on the basics of the art of astrology”).

Here you can set the average speed of Mercury and Venus as the Sun.

Mutual Reception

Here you can specify whether or not to use mutual reception in aphetic calculations. And also specify which types of receptions to use:

In this window, you can create and edit various types of charts. Non-editable charts are highlighted in an alternative color, which can only be included or excluded from the current configuration. For these types of charts, detailed information is provided in the comments.
In the upper panel, the list of CHART types will be exactly in the order in which these types are in this window. This order can be changed by dragging the necessary lines with the mouse.
You can also add separators between any types of charts, which makes it possible to group charts into separate groups. This can be done from the context menu by clicking on the desired line and selecting "Add separator".

Chart types

Here you can also choose which types of Charts will be shown in the list of Charts in the current configuration.

You can create Charts based on directions, progressions, and returns. For each created Chart, you can set a name, an abbreviation, and write an accompanying comment.

Directional Chart settings

You can choose one of three types of directions:

If the "Daily arc" option is enabled, you can select an object whose progressive arc will be used to calculate directions. If this option is disabled, the direction coefficient will be calculated based on the specified arc and the time period that corresponds to this arc.

The arc can be set manually or selected from the context menu:

List of periods:

The period itself can be multiplied by a given multiplier.

If the "Daily arc" option is enabled, the coefficient will be calculated dynamically, taking into account which arc the selected object passes during the day. The object can be selected from the Sun to Pluto.

Not only the natal chart can be directed (by default), but also the solar or lunar, preceding the date of the directions.

There is also an option "Calculation of cusps from MC", which allows you to set the following algorithm for calculating directional cusps - MC is calculated as a regular directional object, and the rest of the cusps are calculated from it. This approach, for example, is used by Irina Tymoshenko in the so-called "Real prophections".

Progression Chart settings

The progression coefficient is calculated depending on the selected periods (initial and matching period).

There are the following periods to choose from:

Also, each period has multipliers, and a separate setting for calculating cusps.

Among the algorithms are the following:

Return Chart settings

Here you can specify the object whose return will be calculated.

Theme Chart setup

A thematic Chart is a Chart where an object (for example, the Sun) is in connection with the Ascendant.
In these settings, you can select both the object itself and one of the corners of the Chart (AS,DS,MC, IC) with which it will be connected.

Created Charts can be deleted.

Options for solars and lunars

Here you can activate the display of the annual (Ay) and monthly (Am) profection Ascendant in the Charts of solars and lunars.

In the Chart of the Solar:

Ay will show the profectional annual Ascendant

In the monthly Solar Chart:

Ay shows the profectional annual Ascendant at the time of the monthly Solar.

Am shows the profectional monthly Ascendant at the time of the monthly Solar.

In the lunar Chart:

Ay shows the profectional annual Ascendant at the time of the Lunar.

Am shows the profectional monthly Ascendant at the time of the Lunar.

In monthly solars, profection is used with the division of the year by 12, in lunars - by 13.

If the "Discrete profection" option is activated, then the profection objects are recalculated only at the moment of changing the solar (lunar), otherwise they move continuously.

Here you can determine which objects of the 1st harmonic will be shown in harmonic Charts other than 1.

Files with Chart types are located in the program folder "sets/ChartTypeSets".

Prenatal syzygy setup

Here you can configure prenatal syzygy, which is used to display in the catalog of the main objects.

You can specify — only the new moon can be a syzygy (the check mark is), or the full moon (the check mark is removed). When the second option is selected, the "Full Moon" block is activated, in which you can select the algorithm for selecting the degree of syzygy: