Moon Void

Moon Void

If the display of the Moon Void is selected in the settings of the chart elements, then this dialog box determines what exactly to show on the chart — the path of the Moon Void or parallax of the Moon. In the second case, there should be a check mark on the "Parallax" option.

Kenodromia is an ancient version of the Moon Void. You can read about it and parallax in the article by S.N.Kovalenko "Let's talk about the idling of the Moon".

Calculation of parallax, the speed of the Moon in the previous syzygy, wheels and synaph are adjusted. Moreover, the first two parameters can be calculated by the ecliptic or by the equator independently. In the kenodromy mode, parallax is shown by an arc, similar to the Moon Void. And if the longitude (right ascension) The moon is currently on this arc - so there is a kenodromia.

There is another ancient rule - if there is a planet (only septener) in one or the next sign from the Moon, especially after the full moon, then the cenodromy is canceled.

It is possible to take into account the higher planets when calculating the Moon Void and Cenodromy.

In the parallax arc tooltip, you can see information: about the time and longitude of the last aspect of the Moon, the time and longitude of the upcoming aspect of the Moon, with whom these aspects are, and information about the parallax distance. And if there is a kenodromia, then about the time and longitude of the beginning, end and distance of the kenodromia. If it is visually difficult to determine whether the Moon lies on the arc of the cenodromy, you can enlarge this area of the map by scrolling the mouse wheel up over this area of the map, while holding the CTRL key.

– this term is explained in the article by S.N.Kovalenko "Let's talk about the idling of the Moon".
– an ancient version of the Moon Void. You can read about it in the article by S.N. Kovalenko "Let's talk about the idling of the Moon".