
This window can be opened by double-clicking on the free space of the scene, or from the context menu of the scene.

Tab content:

Chart elements

Here you can select the necessary Chart elements to be shown on the Chart.

Since it is possible to display not only the Chart itself, but also its alternative option - both options have independent settings. The "Main Chart" and "Alternative Chart" options are selected, respectively.

At any time, you can return the original setting of the chart elements by clicking on the corresponding element located next to the selection of the chart type (main or alternative).

You can change the color of each element of the chart in the "chart Palette" tab.

sizes of chart elements

Here you can adjust the size, width and position of various chart elements.

For the symbols of cusps and houses, as well as their coordinates, there are options that allow them to be displayed in bolder font.

At any time, you can return the sizes to their original state by clicking on the corresponding element in this box.

chart palette

Here you can customize the colors for different chart elements.

Listing options from left to right:

Palette options

The settings of these options are saved in the chart palette set.

"After playing around with these parameters, you can get quite a variety of chart styles.

The chart palette files are located in the program folder "sets/PaletteSets".

The colors of the program interface (buttons, controls, text, general background, etc.) can also be changed. In this window, you can select one of the presented themes (color scheme) of the interface. Thus, for a more harmonious design, you can combine the chart palette with a more appropriate interface theme.

You can edit and create your own themes. To do this, press Ctrl+F2.

Interface palette revision

3 tabs correspond to 3 states of interface elements:

Using the context menu, you can copy color schemes from one tab to another.

The interface palette files are located in the program folder "sets/InterfacePaletteSets".

Hints of chart elements

When the mouse cursor hovers over some chart object or cusp, a hint for this object pops up.

In this tab, you can configure hints for objects and for cusps.

At any time, you can return the hint setting to its original state by clicking on the corresponding element in this tab.